Friday, 10 November 2017

Details and hair

First of all I was just finishing off darkening the shadows on her sleeve and shawl.
Shadows on the brass powder is pretty slow, you have to put down a first thin layer just to give it some grip on the brass and then slowly work up, it's as easy to accidentally take the paint off when you add more layers on of it, you also can only really blend out sharp lines with a ever so slightly damp brush, and again it's easy to move too much paint.

Then I added in the orange, the quinacridone sienna, to the details on the sleeves, neck and train edge even if I don't know yet what colours the gems will be on them.

Afterwards came the hair, originally I was just going with burnt umber to quinacridone sienna but her hair was just as saturated as the rest of her clothing so added in a it of indigo.....over all she's looking a bit too saturated....I'll need to tone it down somehow, I think the sleeve is a problem.

I think I'll need to do more tests....I was hoping to avoid it but I really don't want to mess up her skin at the end and the remaining details I don't really know what colours to use where.

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