Saturday, 4 November 2017

Train detail and gems

Sorry for the bad photo, it was taken at night and my flat doesn't have a good light.

So...starting with the red train aria, I added in the birds and the rest of the flowers in with a mix going from naples yellow to permanent magenta, I'll need to add more to them since they don't quite stand out enough.
Then I added in the green gems with the picture below as a rough guide, starting off with masking the aria on the gems I wanted to remain white and then doing a transition from sap green to winsor green to soon as these were added I was really happy with how it all looked.
Then I added in the brass powder/golden calligraphy ink mix with a pen nib, it took ages and I had to do a few layers since it wasn't coming out the pen nib enough...turns out it would have if I pressed harder, wish I knew that at the start.

The naples yellow front of her dress I basically just added the flower petals in with the brass mix. I've still got the stems of the flowers to do but I'm not sure if I'll do them in winsor green or permanent magenta so I'll leave them till later.

Her shawl like thing was really heavy with the brass mix so I instead used masking fluid on everywhere I didn't want it, the raised up arias in the photo, and put a very thick coat of brass powder mix everywhere else. Then when it was dry I removed the masking fluid afterwards (not shown here) which took a lot of careful attention on it to stop it pulling at the paper...some how the brass powder make that much worse to pull up. Then just dusted away the spare flakes of brass powder.
Oh, and the inner side to the shawl like thing is quinacridone sienna to alizarin crimson in the shadows.

With flash on my camera, shiny gold.

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