Friday, 16 February 2018

Captivating Deviless

'She is known for having quite the large collection of souls. What could entice you to dwell among that collection?'

I really wanted to draw something in the style of the Quiet Deviless from Fallen London, though I wish I'd used more of the strong oranges and pinks in her skin that the Quiet Deviless has in her picture: I also really like the cute features combined with the bulging yellow and red eyes (really didn't think those colours would work as well as they do) though they're more obvious on the Wistful Deviless:

I wasn't quite able to capture that innocent look though. I think I made her clothing too fancy and the souls behind didn't help, though they do make it more obvious what she is to someone who doesn't know the games.
Considering that I didn't feel an ironic name like the Quiet and Wistful Devilesses have would work... I went through quite a long list of words looking for something that suited her.
Still happy with her though.... forgot how long coloured pencil takes.

I'm curious, would you count this as fan art? Though it's inspired by a Fallen London character, it's not her. She's not really meant to live in that world or have any backstory so does she count as an OC? Do OCs count as fan art anyway? I've done a few drawings I'd consider inspired by a game but not quite fan art. I'd love to know what you think.

I used one of Maria Amanda' stock photo as a pose reference. 

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